The Percussion Index 

About Percussion 

A Unison of Percussion: Partnership

Unity/Sameness in the realm of Home/Body/Wealth/Tribe

Possible Shades and Subtleties: Friends. lovers, business partners; marriage; profitable relationships; cohesive community; taking others for granted.

An Octave of Percussion: Stability

Strength/Wholeness/Balance in the realm of Home/Body/Wealth/Tribe

Possible Shades and Subtleties: Wherewithal; physical strength; solid business venture; a powerful organization; over-centralization; lack of diversity.

A Perfect Fifth of Percussion: Growth

Initiative in the realm of Home/Body/Wealth/Tribe

Possible Shades and Subtleties: Making or finding a home; taking care of oneself; business proposals; maturation; people coming together.

A Perfect Fourth of Percussion: Welcome

Receptivity/Inclusiveness in the realm of Home/Body/Wealth/Tribe

Possible Shades and Subtleties: Accepting oneself and others as they are; susceptibility to pathogens; ability to heal; receiving gifts.

A Major Third of Percussion: Wellness

Ease/Resolution/Improvement in the realm of Home/Body/Wealth/Tribe

Possible Shades and Subtleties: Simplicity; improved health; rest and relaxation; easy money; peaceful coexistence.

A Minor Sixth of Percussion: Neediness

Hunger/Desire in the realm of Home/Body/Wealth/Tribe

Possible Shades and Subtleties: Desire for things; sexual desire; bodily deficiencies; need for community; physical addiction; greed.

A Minor Third of Percussion: Crisis

Seriousness/Solemnity in the realm of Home/Body/Wealth/Tribe

Possible Shades and Subtleties: Health, finance, or community issues requiring serious attention; a trial; a burden; a loss.

A Major Sixth of Percussion: Readiness

Planning Ahead/Positive Outcomes in the realm of Home/Body/Wealth/Tribe

Possible Shades and Subtleties: Being prepared; contingency plans; maintenance; savings accounts; obsession with detail.

A Major Second of Percussion: Separateness

Division/Disparity/Independence in the realm of Home/Body/Wealth/Tribe

Possible Shades and Subtleties: Separate spaces; disparate paths; shared or split wealth or resources; independent factions.

A Minor Seventh of Percussion: Changeability

Mystery/Future Unknown in the realm of Home/Body/Wealth/Tribe

Possible Shades and Subtleties: Unpredictability; ungroundedness; lack of security; unclear diagnosis or prognosis; community in flux.

A Minor Second of Percussion: Disorder

Discord/Opposition/Struggle in the realm of Home/Body/Wealth/Tribe

Possible Shades and Subtleties: Confusion and disarray; illness or exhaustion; finances in shambles; community in turmoil; hardships to overcome.

A Major Seventh of Percussion: Poverty

Absence/Lack in the realm of Home/Body/Wealth/Tribe

Possible Shades and Subtleties: Material lack; incomplete projects; homelessness; isolation; freedom from attachment; space to build anew.

A Tritone of Percussion: Transformation

Impetus/Catalyst/Incentive in the realm of Home/Body/Wealth/Tribe

Possible Shades and Subtleties: Home, health, financial, or family emergency; boon, or a drastic shift; remodeling or relocating.

A Major Triad of Percussion: Abundance

Fulfillment in the realm of Home/Body/Wealth/Tribe

Possible Shades and Subtleties: Happy home; vibrant health; money to spare; a loving family or community.

A Conductor of Percussion: The Overseer

A Leader/A Coordinator in the realm of Home/Body/Wealth/Tribe

Possible Shades and Subtleties: A head of an organization, family, or house; a foreman; a financial or health advisor.

A Soloist of Percussion: The Self-Sufficient

An Individualist/A Loner/A Star in the realm of Home/Body/Wealth/Tribe

Possible Shades and Subtleties: One who supports themselves materially; one who lives alone; one who is responsible for themselves; one who is aloof, isolated, or selfish.

An Accompanist of Percussion: The Provider

Unity/Sameness in the realm of Home/Body/Wealth/Tribe

Possible Shades and Subtleties: One who provides necessities: food, water, shelter; a nurse; a secretary; a cook; a home builder.